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cultural mediation


Carmela Gross. School ladder, 2016.

Site specific. City Museum – Chácara Lane

The School Staircase by Carmela Gros can be the synthesis of what measurement is, not as a bridge that connects one side to the other, but as being “on” the stairs, living the aesthetic experience of encounters between many, with their references, stories, personal and unique ways of living them provoked by the works, by the mediators, by the possible readings...

Not taking a leap, but "being a leap" as Chiqui Gonzales teaches us, who rhizomatically creates bonds, activates art and culture, broadens horizons...

An invitation to read the entry in the Caderno de Policies Nacional de Educação Museal and the published books and many articles.

teaching art and aesthetic nutrition

More than teaching art, our main objective is to provoke encounters with  art. It is part of our lives that we begin to read the world through colors and shapes, sounds and gestural movements. It is nestled within us and connects with the art and culture produced throughout human history.

Aesthetic nutrition has been a hallmark of art teaching, opening space for proposing encounters with the languages of art in aesthetic experiences. Dewey, Paulo Freire, Rancière, Larossa and many others feed this poetic action.

Invitation to enter the published books and read articles that spread between the concepts...

Olga Egas

Estela Bonci

ensino de arte.png

Dilma Angela

Mirian Celeste Martins

art in pedagogy


Since 2012, a group of Art teachers in Pedagogy courses has been meeting to continue a struggle started in the 1980s by Mariazinha Fusari and so many other fighters.

The discipline entered the curriculum on a mandatory basis in 2006, but the struggle continues.

The International Symposia for the Training of Educators in Art and Pedagogy held at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie has been a propagator of these ideas shared by other researchers throughout Brazil.

See also website:

art based research

Artistic research methodologies and A/r/tography (especially in relation to photography) have marked the way of researching in countless articles, dissertations and theses.
A special mention should be made here to Elliot Eisner, the grandmaster, and to Ricardo Marin-Viadel and Joaquin Roldán from the University of Granada/ES and to Rita Irvin from the University of British Columbia. Vancouver/CA.


Rita Demarchi​

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