MediAÇÃO Cultural:
proposições, pesquisas e experiências estésicas com arte na contemporaneidade
MARTINS, Mirian Celeste (org.)
Coletânea de textos escritos pelos integrantes do Grupo de Pesquisa Mediação Cultural: contaminações e provocações estéticas/GPeMC. O livro é organizado em três partes: mediação cultural no encontro com a arte, cultura e pesquisa; mediação cultural no espaço expositivo e na sala de aula e Mediação cultural nos desafios da formação.
São Paulo: LiberArs, 2024.
objetos propositores em ação
Ambiências educadoras:
MARTINS, Mirian Celeste; CARDOSO, Débora; LOPES, Maria Elisa Pereira e PAIANO, Ronê (orgs.)
O Projeto Ambiências educadoras foi iniciado em 2019 pelos quatro organizadores deste livro no desejo de criar um projeto interdisciplinar junto ao Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie provocando a ampliação de bagagens artísticas/culturais para além das salas de aula. Neste livro, a história deste projeto e a sua realização em 2022 é narrada por docentes e estudantes que dele participaram.
São Paulo: LiberArs, 2023.
Theory and Practice of Art Teaching
MARTINS, Mirian Celeste; PICOSQUE, Gisa; GUERRA, M. Terezinha Teles.
Indicated by the Ministry of Education (PNBE-Professor), this book presents a contemporary view of art teaching, presenting: The language of art; Production and reading in art; Art Apprentice; methodology of teaching and learning in art and provocations for the rhizomatic teaching of art.
Sao Paulo: FTD, 2010.
Thinking Together Cultural Mediation
[between] linking experiences and concepts
MARTINS, Mirian Celeste (org.)
Collection of texts written by members of the Cultural Mediation Research Group: contaminations and aesthetic provocations/GPeMC. It addresses mediating narratives; aesthetic experiences; cultural access; culture and mediation; cultural heritage; teacher action and creation; teacher/mediator training; educational curation and mediation as [con]tact.
São Paulo: Terracotta, 2018.
:educational training:
ways of thinking and provoking encounters with art and cultural mediation:
MARTINS, Mirian Celeste; MOMOLI, Danie; BONCI, Estela (eds.)
Collection of texts presented at the first three International Symposia for the Training of Educators in Art and Pedagogy (2015-2017). Ways of thinking and proposing training in/with art. Ways of researching, understanding research also as a training field. Ways of experiencing encounters and cultural mediation, intrinsic to the teaching action that drives an act that interacts, intervenes, unrest...
São Paulo: Terracotta, 2018.
interdisciplinary contaminations with art in Pedagogy and Cultural Mediation
:educational training:
MARTINS, Mirian Celeste; FARIA, Alessandra Ancona; LOMBARDI, Lucia Maria S. dos Santos (orgs.)
Collection of texts presented at the IV International Symposium on the Training of Educators in Art and Pedagogy (2018). Ways of experiencing aesthetic connections, of provoking cultural connections and working with interdisciplinary powers. Ways of thinking about teacher training and questioning contemporary scenarios in Art, Pedagogy and Cultural Mediation. An invitation to continue producing fertile encounters with art and life.
São Paulo: Terracotta, 2019.
cultural background : art : teaching: Pedagogy:
:educational training:
MARTINS, Mirian Celeste; BONCI, Estela Maria de Oliveira; MAKINO, Jessica Mami; AMERICANO, Renata Queiroz de Moraes; COSTA, Veronica Devens (orgs).
Collection of texts presented at the V International Symposium Training Educators in Art and Pedagogy (2020). Ways of sharing art and life. Ways of building teaching actions. Ways of Hope. Ways of living and narrating Cyberdialogues. Poetic actions. Inside the V Symposium. The challenge of maintaining the place of affection, dialogue, poetic and collaborative actions online.
São Paulo: LiberArs, 2021.
Cultural mediation:
interdisciplinary perspectives
MARTINS, Mirian Celeste (org.).
Collection of texts written by participants of the Cultural Mediation discipline in the Postgraduate Program in Education, Art and History of Culture at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Themes: Reflecting on personal poetics in encounters with cultural mediation; Expanding aesthetic boundaries; Making cultural heritage visible and broadening horizons.
São Paulo: Uvalimão, 2017.
Cultural mediation for teachers wandering in culture
MARTINS, Mirian Celeste and PICOSQUE, Gisa
To walk. tread. scroll move. move. be uneasy. To stop. To look. Observe. Appreciate. Contemplate. find it strange. be enchanted. be surprised. conversations. Questions. Answers. Doubts. Interaction.Connection. eavesdropping. You speak. Breathing. Silence. There are many actions involved in cultural mediation. Moved by doing and thinking about mediation in different situations and places, the authors and their partners offer a conceptual plot for the reader to gradually build a look at the territory of cultural mediation, finding passages that provoke and expand [con]tact with art and culture.
São Paulo: Intermeios, 2012.
Art Apprentice:
ways of thinking and provoking encounters with art and cultural mediation:
MARTINS, Mirian Celeste
Three texts:
“The sensitive readings of the world and the art of childhood” complements a video record produced from a lecture given in September 1990 by CENP – Coordination of Studies and Pedagogical Norms of the São Paulo State Department of Education.
“The teaching of art in the first grades” written at the time of the inclusion of Art Education with a specialist teacher. It was part of the publication: Basic Cycle in Jornada Única: a new conception of pedagogical work. São Paulo: FDE – Foundation for the Development of Education, 1988, p.81-89.
“Criança e Desenho: a conversation to look at/think about art”, published in 1991, starts from the analysis of numerous drawings by children from EMEIs – Municipal Schools of Early Childhood Education inserted in the “Movimento de Reorientação Curricular” with the proposal of surveying the vision of the students about the school.
São Paulo: Pedagogical Space, 1992.

Themes and techniques in Fine Arts
MARTINS, Mirian Celeste
First book written, it is strongly influenced by Viktor Lowenfeld, which had not been published in Brazil. It brings themes related to the expressive development of the child, in addition to themes related to the History of Art, interpretations, inventions, illustration of words, creation of characters and caricatures, HQ, etc. The technical experiments are divided into Selection by type of material (charcoal, aniline, crayon, ink, gouache, hydrographic, etc.) and Selection by type of experiment (point, line, plane, volume, value, color, texture) .